tHE SILenCe OF thE NighT

Tonight let’s spend some time together, you and I.
It seems it was aeons ago that we giggled merrily;
Finding heavenly bliss in each other’s company.
But this night is special in ways more than one;
For I have found the courage to talk to you again.

Often in lonely hours I look back at those treasures,
Which now seem lost like strangers in alien lanes.
I smile when reminded of the twinkle in your eyes;
Which seemed so innocent on those moonlit nights,
When Apollo weaved silvery robes for the dancing leaves.

But now there is nothing but silence between us;
Neither you, nor I try to bridge this divide.
Where our eyes could talk in silent conversations,
Even words have lost their meaning in this void.
So tonight let’s spend some time together, you and I.

I stare blankly into the icy cold of your eyes;
In search of warmth that had once seemed infinite.
Misunderstandings have wedged us miles apart;
None should blame the other, for we never tried.
Tonight leave the words aside, let silence do the talking.
So tonight let’s spend some time together, you and I.

da nItE tHAT i CANt ForGET